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Sterling Country Club

Ladies’ Golf Association Bylaws




The name of this Association shall be the Sterling Country Club Ladies Golf Association (SCC LGA) or (LGA)




The purpose of this Association is to promote good fellowship and sportsmanship among its members and to encourage active participation of its members in playing golf and taking part in golf tournaments.




Membership will be open to any woman who is a full golf member of Sterling Country Club and who pays annual LGA dues as prescribed by the Board of Directors.  The definition of a full golf member is one who has attained the age of 18 and whose name appears on the Sterling Country Club membership rolls.  Children who have family memberships are not considered full members.


Membership dues are payable in full by December 31 for the following year.





Section 1

The fiscal year of this Association shall be from January 1 – December 31.


Section 2

The membership dues of this Association shall be decided upon annually.

Dues are neither refundable nor transferable.

These dues may be increased by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors in order to reflect increased Association fees.





Section 1

All tournaments will be governed by USGA rules and in accordance with the rules of amateur status unless otherwise specified and approved by Sterling Country Club Management and the Board of Directors.  Association tournaments will vary regarding formats, costs, payouts and scheduling at the discretion of the Sterling Country Club and the LGA Board.


The Association may conduct open events to recruit new members for the Association and Sterling Country Club




Only full members of Sterling Country Club and the SCC LGA with amateur status may compete in the Match Play tournament.  Participants in the Match Play tournament must have an established handicap on the GHIN System or with a prior club, if recently transferred member, and be a member of both Sterling Country Club and the LGA as of the date of the tournament.


The annual Club Championship stroke play tournament will be governed by rules set forth by Sterling Country Club management and will not be associated with the LGA.





Section 1

The Board of Directors will consist of seven (7) officers as elected by the members of this club at the Annual Meeting.  The officers shall be titled: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Tournament Chairperson, Membership Chairperson, and Immediate Past President.  The Immediate Past President will serve on the Board in an advisory capacity, and will vote only when necessary to break a tie.  The term of each office will be one (1) year.




The newly-elected Board of Directors will meet as soon as possible after election to establish the duties of the Board members for the following year.


Section 3

Sterling Country Club Management may be invited to participate in LGA Board meetings in a consulting capacity but without voting privileges





A vacancy of an elected Director (Officer) will be filled by appointment of the President, and shall require approval of the majority of the Board of Directors.  The Vice President will automatically fill the vacancy of the President.







Any Director (Officer) of this Association may be recalled by the membership at a special meeting called for that purpose following the giving of at least five (5) days notice by mail to all members.  No Director (Officer) shall be removed from office unless for a good and just cause shown by an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the full members present at such meeting





Section 1


The powers and duties of the President are:

(A) Exercise general supervision over the business and affairs of this Association.  Preside at all meetings of this Association and Board of Directors.  Call all meetings as required.  Make appointments (including committees) as required. 

(B) Report the business of this Association to the membership at the regular scheduled meetings.

(C) Assist the Tournament Chairman in the planning and running of the Association tournaments.



Section 2


The power and duties of the Vice President are:

(A) In case of the absence of the President, she shall take her place and perform her duties.

(B) Chair committee as required for any social activities this Association may want to entertain.

(C) Assist the Tournament Chairperson in the planning and running of Association tournaments.

(D) Maintain the bylaws of the Association.

(E) Coordinate the election process of new officers.

(F) Maintain the Suggestion Box.  Before each BOD meeting, gather suggestions for discussion.

(G) Maintain inventory and coordinate presentation of Brag Tags to LGA members as awards are earned.



Section 3


The powers and duties of the Secretary are:

(A) To maintain the official membership roster and contact information for members.

(B) To keep a full and complete record of meetings.  If not present, the presiding Director will appoint a Secretary Pro Tem.

(C)To prepare and mail such notices as required by these bylaws and which the Board of Directors deems necessary for the notification of members.  Such notices shall include a call for nomination of officers prior to the Annual Meeting each year.

(D) To maintain the official correspondence of this Association.


Section 4


The powers and duties of the Treasurer are:

(A) To receive and monitor the safekeeping of all monies of this Association.

(B) To keep a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements of this Association, and to render to the Board of Directors, upon demand, a statement of accounts of the financial condition of this Association.

(C) Provide a financial report for the full membership at the annual meeting.


Section 5


The powers and duties of the Tournament Chairperson are:

(A) Arrange all tournaments, determine type and frequency and prize distributions with Board of Directors approval.

(B) Provide all operations necessary to conduct golf tournaments.   Maintain tournament records, which will include total number played, no-shows, late arrivals, receipts and expenses, and prize distribution list.

(C) Verify handicaps of all players in Association tournaments.  Chairperson shall be governed by the handicap systems in place at Sterling Country Club.

(D)All disputes must be presented to the rules committee (club pro on duty) of SCC and their decision shall be final.

(E) The Tournament Chairperson has the authority to designate a delegate to oversee a tournament in which there is not adequate coverage to ensure their duties are discharged.


Section 6


The powers and duties of the Tournament Chairperson are:

(A) Arrange all tournaments, determine type and frequency and prize distributions with Board of Directors approval.

(B) Provide all operations necessary to conduct golf tournaments.   Maintain tournament records, which will include total number played, no-shows, late arrivals, receipts and expenses, and prize distribution list.

(C) Verify handicaps of all players in Association tournaments.  Chairperson shall be governed by the handicap systems in place at Sterling Country Club.

(D)All disputes must be presented to the rules committee (club pro on duty) of SCC and their decision shall be final.




Section 7


The powers and duties of the Membership Chairperson are:

(A) Maintain membership roster

(B) Recruit new members

(C) Maintain the SCC-LGA Website


Section 8


The powers and duties of the Past President are:

(A) Serve in a non-voting, advisory capacity, to provide continuity from previous year experience.

(B) Provide a tie-breaking vote when necessary.




Section 1

The Association shall hold its election of officers in November of each year at Sterling Country Club.


The Association shall call for nominations from its members beginning November 1 of each year.  Nomination forms and a ballot box shall be furnished by the LGA board and prominently displayed in the Sterling Country Club Ladies’ Locker Room from November 1 through November 14.  The Vice President will collect the nomination forms and contact each nominee to ensure their willingness to accept the position.  Official ballots shall be published to the membership (via email) and available for members to vote in the Sterling Country Club Pro Shop from November 20 (or earlier) through November 30.  The LGA board will provide a list of eligible voters to the pro shop.  The head pro at Sterling Country Club will tally the votes and provide the new slate of officers to the President of the LGA on December 1.


Section 2

The Board of Directors will present the newly-elected officers to the membership at the annual LGA general meeting in December.




Section 1

General business meetings of the full membership may be called by the Board of Directors at any time.  A general meeting must be held in December of each year and will be designated the “Annual Meeting”.  At said meeting, the Directors shall make a complete report of the operations of the Association for the year.  The newly elected LGA Board for the upcoming year will also be announced at the Annual Meeting.


Section 2

The order of business for the general meeting shall be as follows:

Presiding President will call the meeting to order, followed by:

Minutes of the last meeting

Reports by the Board

New Business

Presentation of new officers (December only)



Section 3

Special meetings may be called by order of the President, and the President must call a special meeting upon the written request of the other six (7)  Directors.  At least five (5) days before any special meeting, written notice thereof, specifying the time, place, and purpose of the meeting, shall be given to each member by the Secretary.


Section 4

At all meetings, 2/3rds of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transactions of business, but a smaller number may continue any meeting from time to time until a quorum shall be present, and until the business is accomplished.


Section 5

The meetings of the Board of Directors shall be at such time and place as the President shall determine.  Four Directors shall be present to transact business.






If any member, by her conduct, is likely to be prejudicial to the welfare, interest, repute, or character of this Association, and if after a review of the case by the Board of Directors, it is found necessary to suspend or expel the member, then the matter will be brought to the attention of the membership, whereby a vote shall be taken to expel such member.  The member may be expelled by a majority vote of those present at the next regular meeting, or at a special meeting called by the Board of Directors on the proposed suspension or expulsion.




These bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed, or new bylaws may be adopted at the Annual Meeting, or any special meeting called by the President for that purpose, by an affirmative (not ballot) vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the full members present.




Revision History


Jan 2011          Carol Langland                    -Added duties to the Vice-President’s Position

                                                                        -Clarified the election process


Nov 2011         Mary Cilia                            -Changed name from Houston National Golf Club to

                                                                         Sterling Country Club throughout

                                                                        -Changed membership requirements to require

                                                                         Membership at Sterling Country Club

                                                                        -Changed tournaments to reflect Club Championship as a

                                                                         Sterling Country Club event not an LGA event


-Added brag tag duties to Vice-President



Feb 2012         Dianna Batchelor               -Removed “Handicap” from Article IX, Section 5



Dec 2012         Roz Folkers                             -Restored Membership Chairperson as Board

                                                                         -Delete the following from Tournament Director:

                                                                          “Settle all tournament disputes” and add

                                                                          “All disputes must be presented to the rules

Committee of SCC (club pro on duty) and their decision shall be final


Sept 2015          Amanda Lefebvre                   -Add to Board of Directors, Section 1

                                                                          “To be eligible for the position of President, the

                                                                          nominee(s) must have served as an elected officer

                                                                          on the Board of Directors for a minimum of one


Mar 2016        June Thompson                     

Update Article III - "Membership will be open to any woman who has a full golf membership of Sterling Country Club and who pays annual dues as prescribed by the Board of Directors


Updated V Tournaments

Section 2 - delete "must have participated in at least two LGA tournaments in the 12 month period prior to the date of the tournament.


Update:  Only full golf members of the Sterling Country Club and a member of the SCC LGA with amateur status may compete in the Match Play Tournament.  

           Participants in the Match Play Tournament must have an established handicap on the GHIN System or with a prior club, if a recently transferred member, as of the date of the tournament.


Update Article IX, Section 5 (E) - "The Tournament Director has the authority to designate a delegate to oversee a tournament in which there is not adequate coverage to ensure their duties are discharged"


Add NEW BOARD Position:  

          Witches With Sticks Director Position to the Board of Directors

Powers and Duties include but are not limited to:

To oversee all aspects of this annual Invitational Tournament

To appoint and direct committee chairs who will be responsible for carrying out the duties of the committee

Determine the budget and coordinate expenditures with the Board

To be eligible for the position of Witches With Sticks Director, the nominee must have served as a committee chairman for a minimum of one year.


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